Why Caffeine-Free?

Have you ever had trouble resting after taking a preworkout?

Or have you ever had your coaches asking why can't you relax? Why is your heart rate so high?

That is because of the caffeine inside usual preworkouts.

Pre workout are usually designed to improve blood and oxygen flow to your muscles. There's usually also some type of stimulant to give you a burst of energy.

Problem with other pre workout is recovery.

The stimulants raises your heart rate and keeps it elevated.

Good for weight lifting. But not so good in a sport like boxing where you give maximum output and have limited time between rounds to recover.

Also because blood and oxygen flow to your muscles are increased from the caffeine, lactic acid builds up faster. Lactic acid is that burning feeling when you're using up your muscles.

That's why we created a caffeine-free pre-workout that is crafted with key nutrients to help you train harder and longer without you having to worry about cramping up and resting after your training.


Sodium Bicarbonate

Supplementing with sodium bicarbonate may enhance performance measurements such as speed, power, work capacity, and time to failure (5Trusted Source,8Trusted Source,9Trusted Source).

In particular, sodium bicarbonate appears to be beneficial for muscular endurance. One review of studies found that supplementing with sodium bicarbonate significantly increases muscular endurance and performance in both small and large muscle groups (10Trusted Source).

It’s especially beneficial during single and repeated bouts of high intensity exercise that last between 1 and 7 minutes (6Trusted Source8Trusted Source9Trusted Source11Trusted Source).

According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, sodium bicarbonate supplementation improves performance in muscular endurance activities and high intensity exercises such as boxing, judo, karate, taekwondo, and wrestling (5Trusted Source).


Creatine’s direct role in ATP production means it can drastically improve high-intensity exercise performance (1Trusted Source2Trusted Source19Trusted Source).

Creatine improves numerous factors, including (6Trusted Source20Trusted Source21Trusted Source22Trusted Source23Trusted Source24Trusted Source):

  • strength
  • ballistic power
  • sprint ability
  • muscle endurance
  • resistance to fatigue
  • muscle mass
  • recovery
  • brain performance

Unlike supplements that have been shown to primarily impact advanced athletes, creatine has been shown to provide benefits regardless of a person’s fitness level (25Trusted Source26Trusted Source).

One review found that it improves high-intensity exercise performance by up to 15% (2Trusted Source).

Over the long term, it also aids in muscle fiber growth by signaling key biological pathways and boosting gym performance (12Trusted Source,13Trusted Source,14Trusted Source,15Trusted Source,23Trusted Source).


Limited evidence suggests that L-arginine supplements may enhance exercise performance by increasing nitric oxide in the body, which improves blood flow and oxygenation to muscles.

For example, a 2017 randomized study in 56 male soccer players found that treatment with 2 grams of L-arginine daily for 45 days significantly increased sport performance, compared with a placebo group (6Trusted Source).

Another small study in 9 men demonstrated that those who drank a beverage containing 6 grams of L-arginine 1 hour before intense exercise had significantly increased blood levels of nitric oxide and were able to exercise longer, compared with a placebo group (7Trusted Source).